Thursday, September 27, 2018

White Celebration Cupcakes + Frosting

I always dress up cupcakes for my friend's kids' birthdays, and an American Ninja Warrior theme was requested this year. Thank you, Target, for the ANW party pack for the win! 

1 c white sugar
1/2 c butter 
2 eggs
2 teaspoons maple syrup 
1 1/2 c all-purpose flour 
1 3/4 teaspoons baking powder 
1/2 c milk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
Line 12 muffin cups with liners.
In a large bowl, cream together sugar and butter. 
Beat in the eggs one at a time, then add the maple syrup.
Add flour and baking powder to the mix and combine. Stir in milk until smooth. 
Pour batter evenly into the cups (I use a kitchen scoop!), and bake 20-25 minutes (mine took around 22 minutes!). 

Combine 2 tablespoons room temp butter with roughly 4 cups powdered sugar (I never measure!) and a few tablespoons of milk...I add the milk gradually while the beaters are going (much preferred over using a whisk or a spoon!) until the desired consistency. .

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Sheet Pan Tomato Sauce...yes!

Thanks to my friend gifting me her #csa this week, I needed an easy game plan for an abundance of tomatoes 🍅. 

It might be a bit unorthodox for spaghetti sauce purists, but here’s how I make mine: Roughly quarter tomatoes and scatter them on a baking sheet. Generously drizzle with olive oil and balsamic...then load herbs (dried or fresh) like oregano or basil on top. Sprinkle minced garlic and sea salt to finish. I also had a couple red peppers from the CSA box I diced and added to this sheet pan. Pop into a 350-degree pre-heated oven to roast for about 40 minutes. Toss about halfway through. When they’re soft and bursting with flavor, remove from oven. When cool, spoon into a deep bowl, and use an immersion blender to process until desired consistency. Ta-da!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Impromptu Bison Burger / Leftover Burger-Topped Salad!

Last night’s bison burger reimagined as a cabbage salad today! Probably one of the tastiest non-recipe burgers that’s come off the smoker. 

Here’s what I combined with 1 lb of ground bison: a handful of panko breadcrumbs, a hefty squirt of honey mustard, a spoonful of pesto (see previous L&L recipe or use store-bought), several dashes of Worcestershire, an egg, sea salt + fresh ground pepper, a handful of feta cheese crumbles, and around a teaspoon of diced fresh jalapeño for a kick! 

I’m always looking for flavor boosters for my burgers. Bison is a great alternative to beef, but I also love using ground turkey or chicken. I toss all caution to the wind when creating burger patties, and this combo just happened to hit the 🎯!

Thursday, September 13, 2018


When time is scarce, I'd rather tell a bit about a brilliant woman than miss an opportunity to share an inspiring story. So, I've been peppering some wonderful women with four simple questions in the hopes that the answers are immediate and effortless (of course I'd love to sit down and interview but that's not always in the cards!). MINUTES WITH A MARVEL is meant to briefly highlight an outstanding lady and share her quick responses to meaningful questions that might inspire you or at least get you thinking...

The questions:
1) Where do you get your energy/what motivates you?
2) Who (other women) inspires you? Or are there any specific social media feeds that inspire you?
3) Pie-in-the-sky dream or ambition?
4) Go-to recipe

My first guest, Kali Davis, a footwear product line manager at Nike, went above and beyond her call to "quickly text me back with your answers!" and emailed me such thoughtful responses that I just had to share the whole thing here.

Kali is always lifting others up. Talented beyond measure, the thing that makes Kali so remarkable is the way she makes others feel. If you’ve ever been around one of those people who lights up a room, well, Kali is like that but magnified. Kali is imaginative, motivating, and always does the little things, whether as a co-worker or a friend. From creating office fitness challenges with incentives and prizes, to sending “just because I’m thinking of you” snail mail, the small things are never lost on Kali. Despite working full-time and being a mom, she always makes time for friends. So the next time you want to say, “I’m just too busy for...x,” I hope the spirit of Kali encourages you to send one more positive email, pick up the phone for a chat, or compliment one more stranger—you never know whose day you’ll make.

1) Where do you get your energy/what motivates you?

What I know about myself is that I get energy from the big things but also the really small things, no less significant to me, that can sometimes get overlooked. 

FAMILY: Being with my daughter, husband and family is the number one thing that energizes me and fills me up.  There is nothing that makes me feel more like myself than making my daughter laugh, showing her something new, watching her learn or just feeling the weight of her little body on mine when we snuggle before bed.  It’s SO centering, makes me feel purpose and excited for the future.  Ironic that the little person who energizes me the most also makes me feel the MOST exhausted! 

EXERCISE:  I LOVE exercising and it is an absolute imperative in my feelings of balance, physical/mental/emotional health, energy level and overall well-being.  It’s a time when other things can fall out of my mind and I can be really present.  I love that feeling of pushing myself to the limit and always challenging what you think you are capable of.  A hard workout always makes me feel refreshed, like I have washed the slate clean and start again.  Bonus: working out with my besties---it’s the ultimate in filling my cup!

CONNECTING WITH MY FRIENDS: Whether it’s going on a trip or adventure, having a fun dinner or drinks out, working out together, meeting for coffee or just talking on the phone or texting, my best girlfriends are a huge source of energy and positivity in my life.  I am inspired constantly by the amazing things my friends are accomplishing in all realms of their lives.  I am lifted up by them but also grounded by them and am infinitely thankful for those who I can 100% be myself with.  It’s really special.

I think “connecting” versus spending time with friends is a better description.  With all the other responsibilities we have at this stage in life from being a mom/wife/daughter and sister, it isn’t always possible to spend as much time together as I would like. But I cannot undervalue how chats on the phone, texts, sharing photos is still such a source of energy for me.

WHEN I AM HELPING SOMEONE ELSE: Oftentimes, for me, this means being a source of support and listening to my friends and family.  When I can help provide advice or guidance, or make someone important to me feel heard or understood-that’s an amazing feeling.

I also feel this same sentiment translated into my work.  Being a good listener, and thought-partner in solving complicated problems makes me feel proud and accomplished.

WORK ACCOMPLISHMENTS:  I work really hard in my job and always hold myself to a high-standard. Realizing accomplishments both big and small in the workplace helps me feel validated in my work and keeps me engaged and positive.  Finding energy in this is crucial, even more so since becoming a Mom, because I know that time I am at my job is time I am not spending with Ellery.  I need those little wins.


2) Who (other women) inspires you? Or are there any specific social media feeds that inspire you?

All my girlfriends inspire me DAILY for a million different reasons.  I am inspired by their abilities to balance all the crazy demands of this life and still create space to be amazing forces in my life.  I have friends who are stay-at-home Moms who inspire me by their selflessness, patience and commitment to their family.  I have friends who have recently gone back to finish getting their college degree and get accepted into nursing school all while balancing a newborn baby at home.   I have friends that work full-time and still make being a Mom the number 1 priority.  I have friends who are incredible career women and show me what it means to lead with confidence, humility, respect, smarts and SPUNK.  I cannot pick among these women, but their reach is likely much larger then they know.

I would scream it from the rooftops and could care less about the clichés, but my Mom is my NUMBER one inspiration.  To know her is to be better…it just is. I can think of no better word than BADASS to describe my Mom.

When my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer 7 years ago, she showed a side of herself and a side of strength that I did not know was possible.  She devoted 100% of herself, her being and her purpose to my Dad, my brother and myself.  I have never been more proud of and inspired by her.  Now, she is working through her next chapter.  There is nothing she can’t do, or at least that she doesn’t try to do herself first.  She called me the other day just to tell me that she got my Dad’s 22 foot fishing boat out of the water, onto the boat trailer and driven back home all by herself.     

My friend and Mentor Kathy Gomez.  I have known Kathy for 10 years and she has been a bright spot in my life from that point on.  I truly believe meeting her has changed the trajectory of my life.  She is an incredibly smart, funny, inspiring, influencing, encouraging and creative leader at a large company, but she is also an amazing Mom to three amazing girls.  Kathy spreads joy, positivity and energy. If you ask her how she is doing, 99 times out of 10 she says great!  She has been a pivotal person in my success as both a career woman and Mom.   

3) Pie-in-the-sky dream or ambition? 

My pie in the sky dream is to find a way to blend my love of working and being challenged with my desire to have more time with my daughter and family.  

My fall back plan?  Open a gym with an adjacent coffee shop with EXCELLENT baked goods so I can share my immense love for these three things with the rest of the world.

4) Go-to recipe?

Burrito bowls. Just a hodgepodge of leftover veggies in the fridge...but I always make cilantro-lime rice.